
Taylor Swift

This is Taylor Swift I will be dressing up as her for my costume.

The African Instrument

The Afican instrument.
        This is a Chokwe two headed drum.It is from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.It was made Early-mid 20th century.It is used for accompanying initiation and secular dances.There is a face like mask for a symbol on the instrument which is there for suggesting accompanying initiation. Last this instrument made my project more interesting and complicated because I had to compare the two headed drum with my shaker. This was my personal reflection.

My Instrument

        This is my instrument before it is fully completed or  decorated .It is a shaking instrument and it is played by either shaking it or hitting it with a drumstick.It is made out of three different sized bottles hot glued and taped together. The proses of building it was first I had to think about what kind of instrument I wanted to make.I decided to make a shaker instrument.After this step I started to get the items I needed to make the instrument.Then I hot glued and taped it together with blue duck tape.After it was all ready to be decorated I started by making new symbols in my notebook.Then I either printed the symbols from the computer or drew them.The next step was  taping them onto the instrument.Last step was putting the final touches on which was the pipe cleaners in the top of each bottle.These were the steps of making my instrument.

                                                                   My Final Instrument

            This is my shaking instrument I call '' The Shaker ''. It is played by either shaking it or hitting it with a drumstick.I made it out of a lot of materials like red and blue duct tap. Another resource I used was beads , pipe cleaners, and string. The proses of building it is first I got three different sized bottles, hot glued and taped them together. Then I put different amounts of beads in each one . After that started to draw and print pictures and symbols and taped them on to The Shaker.Last I put stings of beads and pipe cleaners on the instrument to give it final details. This is how and what I made The Shaker out of.
        My personal reflection of my groups individual performance is that we could of done better. Also that we did our best and worked really hard to get to where we were. We also kept going in the musical piece even if we messed up a little. This is my personal reflection to my mini groups individual performance. 
                                           Cultural Vibrations Report
        My Cultural Vibrations report will provide information I have discovered about my musical instrument. The report will give interesting information about the design, the comparisons to older instruments and the traditions important to my cultural            Can you imagine that in a short amount of time I have transformed three different sized bottles into a cultural artifact that is a functioning musical instrument? It is a cultural artifact because of the specific symbols and colors I put on my instrument. For example I put beads on my instrument that represents the favorite colors of my best friends and I. My instrument is also a functioning musical instrument because it makes different sounds and can be played different ways. A few ways to play it are by hitting it with a drumstick, or just shaking it. This is how my musical instrument is equally a functioning instrument and a cultural artifact.

                   Could you ever see an African two headed drum and a homemade shaker ever having any similarities?  My instrument and the African instrument are similar because they are both used for dancing and entertainment. These are also similar because drumsticks can be used to play both. My instrument has some symbols and decorations to represent the culture and so does the drum. That is how my final instrument and the African instrument are similar.

                   Picture a two headed drum and a shaking instrument in your head. There are many obvious differences but if you look closer you can find there are many more. One way the two artifacts are different is my instrument is used for entertainment and dancing but the drum (or the African instrument) is only used for dancing. For example the kind of entertainment I would play is at a pop concert with tweens in the audience. They are also different because my instrument has more symbols then decorations and the drum has more decorations than symbols. The difference between symbols and decoration is that symbols mean something and decoration is just to make something look nice. Also the drum is held by handles in the middle of the instrument and I hold my shaker on the side. Lastly, my instrument is representing pop tween 2011 culture and the African instrument is representing a different culture. These are some ways the two artifacts are different.

          There’s nothing like being able to dress up as someone you look up to while entertaining fellow tweens. My shaker can be used as a part of my cultural experience because it has symbols to do with my culture and tradition. My tradition is to perform at the Staples center and put on a concert. This tradition will happen at every concert. The meaning of my group’s tradition is so we can entertain the other tweens and have a good time together. We will dress up as pop stars that we like or look up to. At the concerts, the tweens that we are entertaining will have a selection of cotton candy and soda to drink and eat. This is my group’s tradition and the meaning.

          This is my cultural vibrations report that gave information about design, the comparisons to older instruments and the traditions important to my culture.