
African Instrument

        This instrument is an African harp. It is from the northeastern forest regions of Africa and was made in the early 20th century. It was used for entertainment and reciting details of their travels and experiences as wandering minstrels. There is a head on the top of the harp. The head might of represented the way that the Zande people looked during this time. This particular instrument reflects me because I used to play a string instrument, the violin, when I was in 4th grade.

My Instrument In Progress

        The type of instrument I have is a drum and shaker together. It is played by me holding the bottom of the drum and either hitting it with my hand, mallet, or shaking it. There are buttons inside the top that is covered with blue tape. It is made out of two buckets and a small container. While building it i couldn't get the two buckets to stay together. But I ended up hot gluing them at the top and then eventually wrapping duck tape all around the drum from top to bottom. Also the shaker at the top would not stay closed so I had to hot glue the shaker closed to the top of the drum.

Cultural Vibrations Final Reflection
         My cultural vibrations report will provide information I have discovered about my musical instrument. The report will give interesting information about the design, the comparisons to older instruments and the traditions important to my creation. Would you believe that my instrument, designed from three buckets, is a cultural artifact and a fully functioning instrument? 
        Yes, I designed a musical instrument that is equally a fully functioning instrument and a cultural artifact. The colors blue, green, orange, and purple for decorations make it so that it can match any outfit and you can put anything on it. It isn’t to big or to small, so it can be placed anywhere and not get in the way. You could put anything on top of it so it could be used to put pictures or a small plant on top of it. It is a musical instrument because the sound that comes out of it when I hit it can be changed. If you use different parts of the drum you can get a different sound. It is also a shaker filled with beads and jems so I can shake it so it is like a tambourine. 
    Take a close look at my instrument and artifact and see the differences and similarities there are between them. The two artifacts are similar because they are both for entertainment. Also because they both have designs on them, and they can both be played as a musical instrument. The two artifacts are different because mine is colorful and the artifact is not. My instrument is a percussion instrument and the artifact is a string instrument. There is also a difference in size myinstrument is smaller then the artifact. 
        Can’t you almost see yourself standing before the tweens at a concert singing and dancing? My bucket drum can be used as part of my cultural experience because we the tweens can use my drum during the grand finale at a concert. This is a tradition because we like to entertain people with our singing, dancing, and instrument playing. The special clothing in my tradition is to dress up like your favorite singer and try to “be them” for that moment
        That is some information that I have discovered about my musical instrument, like the design, comparisons to older instruments, and traditions important to my creation.

Final Instrument

            The decorative elements on my instrument reflects my culture. The designs that go with Government, they are a directors tape, to stand for directors. Three people together, to represent friendship and friends always sticking together. Designs that go along with Traditions is a cake with a number 16 on top, to represent a teenagers sweet 16th birthday, a drivers license because teenagers need them to drive and they get the chance to earn one when they turn 15 or 16. Shopping bags are also a design and you use them to shop and shopping is very popular to tweens or teens. Innovations are an i pod touch, a cell phone, and silly bandz. They are all popular items that most kids own. "LOL" "BRB" "TTYL" are all apart of tween language used when texting. "BFF" "BFFL" "BFFAE" are abbreviation used when talking about your really close friends.

Drum Circle with Mrs.Sackl Tweens
        Playing our individual routines
        My individual part in the groups performance was to be one of the drum players. I helped Alexis and Bryce keep the beat and keep it so that the timing was correct. Before we would never end on time and since me and Alexis practiced we were ending at the same time and we helped make the whole thing look good. That was my individual part in the groups preformance.

My Favorite Sport

Horseback riding at Cornerstone Farm.

My Favorite Colors

All neon colors!!

My Favorite Star

Justin Bieber at the DD Center in Providence 8/27/2010

Favorite Animal

This is my dog, Chopper he is an English Bulldog and is 5 years old