Hey tweenz reader,
For the project my group had to pick a culture if you didn't notice it already we picked 21st century tween culture. For this we had to set up our own website and to tell about our group and the insturments we researched and made. We also had to pick a costume to dress up as them I picked Rihanna.

The kind of instrument I got was an Hunter's whistle it was from Congo and  made by the Kongo people. It is used for hunting some of the cultural symbols on this instrument is the dog represents the ability to controll spritual and skill at traking witches. I really liked my instrument that I reseched because it had a uqnie symbol and meaning.

My Instrument That I have made

The instrument that I have made is a string instrument you play it by pluking the strings inside the posts and bottle. I made the instrument out of mimi fance posts, a 2 litter soda bottle and wire. The building prosess was long and difficult we had to change a my orignal idea first I glued the fence posts to the soda bottle. Then me and my art teacher drilled holes and put the screws in after that we attached strings and it was finished. Some of the challenges along the way were the srings could not hold so we detached one fence post another problem that oqurred were the screws were coming off so we put pegs to replace it.


This is my final instrument It is called the " Bottle Guatir"  The matrials I used are pipe cleaners, blue and purple tape, a 2 litter soda bottle and a regular soda bottle, beads,print out things, and a cut out star. I created a cultural meaning in the decortive elements by chosing by cutting out pop stars and  food like ice cream,  cheeseburgers and ect. The cultrul I incurprated are the foods, goverment, traditons, and inovations.

                                      Matrials I Used

2 litter bottle
20 oz. bottle
colorful beads
duct tape
pipe cleaners
cut out star
print out

                                          My Cultural Vibrations personal reflecton

My cultural vibrations essay will provide information I have learned and discovered about my musical instrument. The essay will give you interesting information about the design, the comparisons to older instruments, and the traditions important to my culture.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Close your eyes and imagine seven little fence posts and a two litter bottle transformed into a musical instrument and a cultural artifact whistle. My bottle guitar contains an iPod and cell-phones for innovations that we use a lot in our time period (the 21st century). The food that I used are french-fries, cheeseburgers, and ice cream. I chose these because a lot of people today love fried food and cold sweets like ice cream. My instrument is musically functional because you can shake it, hit it, and strum it. You can change the pitch on this instrument by hitting it or strumming it in different places. I can also use a mallet and the sound will change completely.               
    Take a close look at my two artifacts the bottle guitar and the hunters whistle there are so many similarities between the two when looking at them. The bottle guitar and the hunters whistle are alike because they have multiple ways to play them. For example you can play it by banging on it. Also they sort of have the same meaning. The hunters whistle is used as a signal to the other hunters and when we perform, we bang on the drums as a signal to the audience that it is the end.   Last but not least, they are both constructed by wood. Can you imagine two simple instruments having many differences? For one thing, my instrument covers a wide selection of different symbols (language, traditions, food, and government). The hunters whistle has just one symbol, the monkey/dog on the top of the whistle. Also the texture of both my home-made bottle guitar and the African hunters whistle is not the same. My instrument had a rough look and feel. The African instrument I researched had a smooth glossy look.             
    Do you love concerts as much as I do?  Well this is the tradition for you. People will participate in this tradition whenever they go to a concert. The significant meaning of our tradition is to give people the best entertainment of their lives. For our clothing is we dress like the singers/actress/actors or just  some that we like or look up to. The foods we will eat are nachos, soda, and candy /junk food that we like. We perform at any big places/ (the staples center, The Dunkin Donuts Center, and the Wachovia center.               
    The cultural vibrations essay hopefully taught you something new about my instrument, the “bottle guitar” and the African “hunters Whistle.”  

